It's been a few days, and I havent had time to do much outside of work aside from sleep a few hours a night. A good friend of mine had e-mailed me a link to an article he had found. I finally got a chance to view the article, and I was....well...I'm not even sure there is a word to describe what I thought.
This has to be one of the most absurd hiking/camping concepts to date!
A company thought it would be a clever idea to encorporate a shelter into a pair of shoes. Now, the base concept may sound interesting, especially if it's light enough. HOWEVER....this is terrible!
The "shelter" isnt really much of one, and YOU are the tent pole!
I'm certain it would be FAR cheaper, lighter, and more water proof, to visit your local Beer Store and ask for one of the large clear bags they throw all of the empty cans into (these things are MASSIVE).
Chances are they will GIVE you one for FREE!!!
Another bonus would be that you can see through it, your arms and feet wont stick out either!
I'm not suggesting you put a bag over your head.... please don't!
Anyway, HERE is the link to The Article I Was Sent.